TranscendXL is an easy to use, SQL development environment, that enables your development team to move at the speed of light, with agility to provide simple, robust solutions to complex problems.

Unshackle your business now! Create software that meets your needs, not those of a software developer.

This powerful tool with the TXL extension to SQL, empowers a novice SQL developer the flexibility to build custom made applications, from complex ERP systems to simple contact management applications.

Whether you are an ISV building applications for resale, or looking to maximize your resources for inhouse application development or planning to build a simple application for your own use, TranscendXL's potent suite of intuitive features lets you create software that meets your specific needs, forget the traditional programming process.

Create enhancements at a fraction of the time and with far less effort.

You may have a legacy CRM system that contains priceless data on your customers that you wish to retain and a legacy Inventory control system, that does the job required. Bring them together in one easy to use interface that you can control and build on.

With it's built in report generation capability and easy to use analytics, TranscendXL will take your applications to the next level, for less cost and give you total control over your destiny without incurring excessively costly ongoing fees for little or no return.

If your need is to simply import your bank statement into a database and allocate income and expenses, or to develop sophisticated pattern searching algorithms to analyze stock trades, or import data from an external source, such as NetSuite to build sophisticated reports, and graphical analysis with ease, or data manipulation for importing back into the source system, TranscendXL is the tool for you.

Fast, agile and flexible that's the power of TranscendXL.