The secret ingredient in TranscendXL is the TXL script, which creates the connection between SQL and the user without the need for complex coding.
The order in which you place the TXL code is the order in which the fields are laid out on the screen. It's no more complex than that.

TXL script is an easy to use, very lean development language that is replaced with actual values when a Script is run and parsed, by TranscendXL.
It is delineated by a pair of curly brackets as so; { }

There is a prompt, which is what the user sees on the screen, then a semicolon to separate the prompt from the field size. Field sizes are; s small, m medium, large, x extra small
If the field has a value it needs to read as the current value from the grid, you enter  :fieldname and if it is an Action View and you wish to reference the field on the first (main grid) you use a ~ in place of the :

SET @Variable = {Prompt;Width|Type} or
SET @Variable = {Prompt;Width|Type:FieldName}
Example: SET @Code = {Code;s|z:Code}

Scripting language – Types
v Invisible, (to populate a variable from a field in the previous grid)
n Numeric
d Date
a Alphanumeric (case untouched)
z Alphanumeric (Uppercase)
r ReadOnly (Alphanumeric, case untouched)
ReadOnly (Alphanumeric, Uppercase)
m Memo
p Password (replaces characters with *)
c Checkbox (bit / boolean)

As well as the above types, a drop down combo list can be populated with fixed values or from an SQL statement:
SET @Pricing = {Pricing Type;m|Retail,Trade,Staff}
SET @SalesRep = {Sales Representative;m|Select Name from Srep}

You will see examples of the TXL script in the following code example.